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Support your learning journey with some enabling apps and books

Below listed are some free lean six sigma templates and tools that have found of value on the lean six sigma journey. Click on each image to access free lean six sigma tools. Enjoy!

Please note that Lean Ireland is in no way affiliated with the developers, authors or publishers of the third party videos, applications or books mentioned on this page. We receive no favours of any kind for the listings.

Free Tips & Templates

lean six isgm aonline courses

Format: PDF document
Why use it? To gain additional points in a multiple choice examination, by using effective examination technique.
Target audience: ASQ and other multiple choice examination candidates
Best used as: Supplement to diligent study of the examination subject matter

Free DMAIC A3 template


Format: Microsoft Excel
Why use it? It’s a handy one-stop guide through your 5 step six sigma project
Target audience: All personnel using the six sigma problem solving methodology
Best used as: A tool to accompany team effort

Free A3 template - Toyota 8 step problem solving


Format: Microsoft Excel
Why use it? It’s a handy one-stop guide through your 8 step project
Target audience: All personnel using the lean 8 step problem solving methodology
Best used as: A tool to accompany team effort

Smartphone apps

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The books listed below are not free, however they are a great investment. They represent a small selection from the vast array of available lean six sigma literature. If you are looking for a guide to any particular tool or technique, please let us know. We’ll be happy to help at, +353 91 870708

Lean six sigma trainingTitle: THE TOYOTA WAY
 Jeffrey Liker, Publisher: McGraw-Hill,  Year: 2004

Why buy it? This is a definitive book on lean culture and practices. Liker uses an easy writing style to convey the complexity of the Toyota approach to process design, problem solving, employee development, customer service and market growth.
Target audience: Managers, lean leaders and black belts, and those interested or involved in organisation-wide lean transformation.
Best used as: A definitive text book for all managers in organisations undergoing lean transformation. Why not form a weekly management study group to present and discuss chapters of the book, and their application in your organisation?

Lean six sigma training


Author: Eric Ries, Publisher: Portfolio Penguin,  Year: 2010

Why buy it? This is a definitive book on starting a lean organisation from the ground up. Whether you are heading up a multi million dollar empire, or  a small coffee shop, this book provides the key to establishing a sustainable and innovative business.

Target audience:  Business owners, organisation leads and senior executives with responsibility for new product, service or site start ups.

Best used when: Swallow it whole before breaking ground on any new venture.

Lean six sigma training


Author: Ronald Snee & Roger Hoerl, Publisher: FT Press, Year: 2002

Why buy it? This is the definitive textbook on establishing and sustaining a successful six sigma programme.
Target audience: Managers, six sigma leaders, and black belts, and those interested or involved in organisation-wide six sigma transformation.
Best used as: A definitive text book for all managers in organisations undergoing six sigma transformation. Why not form a weekly management study group to present and discuss chapters of the book, and their application in your organisation?

Lean six sigma training

Free download!

Author: Prof Peter Hines, David Taylor, Publisher: Lean Enterprise Research Centre, Cardiff, Year: 2000
Why read it? This LERC mug’s guide to implementing lean is the best/ most comprehensive (54 pages) guide to lean implementation in an organisation.
Target audience: Managers, lean leaders and black belts, and those interested or involved in organisation-wide lean transformation.
Best used as: A step by step structured guide to implementing lean in the organisation.

Lean six sigma trainingTitle: THE SIX SIGMA MEMORY JOGGER II
Author: Michael Brassard, Lynda Finn, Dana Ginn & Diane Ritter
Why buy it? It’s a small and very informative reference book. The first 26 pages provide the best summary overview of what the six sigma approach entails, that I have yet read. It’s worth it for that summary alone.
Target audience: Green belts, supervisors, managers, engineers, and those leading or participating in six sigma improvement teams. This is an indespensible reference pocket guide for six sigma techniques, that punches far above its weight.
Best used as: A reference book to provide guidance on how and when to use particular six sigma process improvement tools.

Author: Quentin Brook, Publisher: QSB Consulting, Year: 2010

Why buy it? This wire-bound “complete toolbox guide for all Six Sigma practitioners” is an invaluable companion to Minitab software. Its logical tabbed layout is clear and easy to navigate.
Target audience: Engineers, black belts and green belts who use Minitab
Best used as: A companion guide when executing DMAIC projects and when compiling and interpreting process data with Minitab

Lean six sigma trainingTitle: THE SIX SIGMA HANDBOOK
 Thomas Pyzdek and Paul Keller, Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education,  Year: 2014
Why buy it? A comprehensive guide for green belts and black belts through the six sigma body of knowledge. Clearly written. It does not cover some advanced black belt topics.
Target audience: Green belts & black belts and anyone seeking a strong foundation in the six sigma curriculum.

Best used as: A definitive text book for green belts & black belts

Title: OPERATIONS & SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: World class theory and practice
 Rohit Verma & Kenneth K Boyer, Publisher: South Western College; International edition ,  Year: 2009
Why buy it? Combining theory, case studies, and interactive internet-based learning, this book forms part of an attractive multimedia learning package.
Target audience: Operations and supply chain managers, planners and all students of SCM
Best used as: A definitive text book for all students of SCM and for managers in organisations undergoing supply chain transformation.